#Program cash plus cimb niaga how to
How to Get Your Poin Xtra Poin Xtra from Your Savings Increase your Account Balance For every average monthly balance of IDR 100.000, - (one hundred thousand rupiah) and its multiples. *** Point calculation does not include new cards of Sharia, Visa Infinite and World MasterCard. Classic/Gold/Platinum/Syariah 1 Point World Mastercard 2 Points Visa Infinite 3 Points Bonus Points for New Credit Card Customers *** Classic 500 Points Gold 1,000 Points Platinum 2,500 Points Note: * Point calculation is valid only for a minimum average monthly balance of IDR 1 Million ** Points are not calculated for Cash advance, Balance Transfer, Cash plus, Cash Back, Credit Card Catalog, Installment Program, annual fee payment. 5 Points Enjoy Bonus Points * Bonus points are awarded to customers with certain average monthly balance.Ģ5 Million - 1 Billion 5,000 Points >2 Billion 8,500 Points >3 Billion 13,500 Points ≥ 5 Billion 16,500 Points Poin Xtra from your Credit Card Increase you transactions ** Get Point Xtra for every credit card transaction of IDR 5,000, - and its multiples. Descargar Gratis Libro Las Prepago Madame Rochy Pdf. 1 Point Transactions via e-Channel & CIMB Niaga Debit For every transaction of payment, purchase and transfer to other banks via CIMB Clicks, Go Mobile, Mobile Accounts, Phone Banking (14 041 and 500 800) as well as with CIMB Niaga Debit (max. For every average monthly balance increase of IDR 100.000, - (one hundred thousand dollars) from the previous month and its multiples. Pada tanggal 2 Februari 2017, saya ditelp tele marketing CIMB Niaga menawarkan cash plus, saya pertama menolak karena tidak membutuhkan, tapi telemarketing mengatakan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun bahkan dengan bunga 0%. Hati-hati gan kalau punya kartu kredit bank. Calculate online your montly repayments and apply for CIMB Bank Cash Plus Loan, with 8.20% interest rates p.a.